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Why Power BI specialists Make Great Consultants

Data analysts, particularly those skilled in Power BI, often underestimate the value of their expertise. Their knowledge of data modelling, DAX, Power Query, and data visualisation can be worth thousands for businesses seeking to leverage their data effectively. While this value may not be fully compensated in full-time roles, starting a Power BI consultancy can lead to fair and often higher income.‍

Why Power BI Specialists Make Excellent Consultants

  1. They bridge the gap between technical implementation and business insights.
  2. They have experience advising on data solutions and requirements.
  3. They possess a unique mix of technical, analytical, and business skills.
  4. They understand how to translate raw data into actionable visualisations.

In short, insights contained within the data owned by a business represent the real business world.

Imagine two scenarios:

  1. A new starter undertaking onboarding training being bombarded with information about the company.
  2. A data specialist who understands how to find answers and insights within datasets given the keys to the data castle.

Who will learn the most about a company in the shortest time?The data specialist. And the key to consulting is to get up-to-speed as quickly as possible while maintaining best practices and professionalism.

Key skills that make Power BI experts stand out as consultants

  • Communication: Translating complex data insights into understandable and actionable recommendations
  • Analytical skills: Data collection, processing, and interpretation using Power BI's robust features
  • Technical proficiency: Advanced DAX formulae, complex data modelling, and custom visualisations
  • Business acumen: Understanding KPIs and metrics that drive business decisions

Learning how to find and communicate insights while explaining how and why you used a certain strategy is the basis for pretty much all documentation a consultant needs to generate.

You can see a theme here - overlapping skillsets.

Benefits of becoming an independent Power BI consultant:

  1. Flexibility in choosing projects and specialising in specific industries or Power BI features
  2. Exposure to diverse clients and business scenarios, expanding your Power BI portfolio
  3. Continuous learning and skill development as Power BI evolves and new features are released
  4. Higher earning potential compared to traditional employment, especially for niche Power BI skills
  5. Opportunity to work on cutting-edge Power BI projects and implementations

This site is all about benefits, but they ultimately boil down to growth. You never stop growing your core skillset, you learn so much about business itself, you learn about how to control your life, and it's enjoyable to see projects that you start come to fruition.

In Closing:

Power BI professionals and data generalists have a significant advantage in becoming independent consultants.They can earn more, choose preferred projects, and capitalise on skills they've already been using. The demand for Power BI expertise continues to grow as more businesses recognise the value of data-driven decision making.While challenges exist, the transferable skills, potential rewards, and opportunity to work with cutting-edge BI technology make it a compelling career path for those passionate about data visualisation and analytics.

Actionable tips to take you from developer to Power BI business owner

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