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Why "Free Work" is Essential for Power BI Consultants

As a Power BI consultant for the past 5 years, I've often heard the advice: "Never work for free. Always get paid for your time."

While this seems logical, I've found that this mindset can be counterproductive for strategic consultants aiming to build a thriving practice.

The goal of a Power BI consultant shouldn't just be to bill hours, but to build trust, establish a stellar reputation, and gradually transition to the kind of work you're passionate about. This journey often involves what some might call "free work", but I prefer to think of it as strategic investment in your consulting future.

Here's why this approach is crucial for Power BI consultants:

  1. Signalling Your Expertise: Free work is a powerful way to showcase your Power BI skills, interests, and potential value to clients. It's challenging for clients to assess your capabilities based on a CV alone. By offering insights or quick solutions, you're demonstrating your expertise in action.
  2. Building Relationships: Offering a complimentary Power BI dashboard review or a brief consultation call can open doors to long-term, lucrative relationships. It's about playing the long game.
  3. Exploring New Areas: Use unpaid work as a way to venture into new industries or explore advanced Power BI features you're curious about. This keeps your skills sharp and your work interesting.
  4. Gathering Insights: Every interaction, paid or unpaid, is an opportunity to learn about business challenges that Power BI can solve. This knowledge is invaluable for tailoring your services and marketing efforts.
  5. Creating Content: Share your Power BI insights through blog posts, videos, or social media. Whilst not directly paid, this content can attract high-value clients and establish you as a thought leader.

Here are some practical ways to incorporate "free work" into your Power BI consulting strategy:

  • Offer quick calls to discuss Power BI challenges with potential clients
  • Share and summarise relevant articles, adding your Power BI perspective
  • Create simple surveys to gather data on common Power BI pain points
  • Develop sample Power BI reports or dashboards in areas you want to specialise in

Remember, the amount of unpaid work you do should align with your interest and curiosity in that area. Don't fall into the trap of doing extensive unpaid work in areas you're not passionate about – it's counterproductive and draining.

Ultimately, this approach is about creating a sustainable, enjoyable consulting career. By strategically investing your time and skills, you're more likely to attract the kind of Power BI projects that truly excite you. This, in turn, fuels your motivation and keeps you at the forefront of Power BI innovations.

As you progress in your Power BI consulting journey, you'll likely find that the line between "work" and "passion projects" blurs. That's when you know you're on the right track. Your paid projects fund your ability to explore and innovate, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and satisfaction.

Remember, there's no set career path in consulting. It's a constantly evolving journey. By focusing on the work that keeps you curious and engaged, you're not just building a business – you're crafting a fulfilling career in the dynamic world of Power BI.

Actionable tips to take you from developer to Power BI business owner

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